
How To Do A Quick Weave Step By Step Glue In Tracks Tutorial Part 2 of 6

Breanna Rutter


In The Quick Weave Glue In Extensions Tutorial, I inform you of all the products that you will need to achieve this style.


To achieve this style, you will need as follows;

(1) Pack of Human Hair Weft Extensions 

Ethnic Manikin Head 

Flat Iron

Hair Scissors

Hair Ties

Duck Bill Clips

Blow dryer

Hair Conditioner


Take your time when gluing in your hair extensions.


Try your best not to add too much hair glue to the extensions or tracks.


When I glue in hair extensions, I make sure to glue long rows at a time because the shorter the pieces I glue, the sooner the tracks will began to slip out and become slippery overtime as you wear this hairstyle.


Also, when you glue on the extensions, start blow drying the extensions immediately until it feels tacky to touch before the extension is applied to your hair.


Continue on in the same process all around your head, in a u-shaped fashion, until your entire head is finished and all of your glued tracks have been added.



Here we are in step number two of the partial quick weave hairstyle in this step I will be showing you in detail step-by-step how to apply your glued hair extensions onto your hair so to begin the very first thing that we are going to do is prepare our section of hair on our manikin head and then measure out a piece of our wefted hair extensions to begin so before we begin measuring out a piece of hair extension for our style you first want to make sure that you have designated an amount of hair that will serve as you leave out so I will be parting this many can head down the middle to complete the look so I have parted a rectangular section at the very top of the manikin head parting a rectangular section of hair helps best when blending on the sides of the style and also in the back if you would like a side part for example you want to part your rectangle section off-center from the middle of your head so now that I have a hair tie on the top of the manikin head to preserve for the leave out area we will begin to part the hair is back of the head that we can do it's always best to start off in the back of the head glue your extensions and then work your way up because you can better control the placement and the amounts of hair that one left out between extension so take comb and you are going to part a u design shape going from the ear to your other ear so from the ear here we are going to part with the end of our comb or you can part with the teeth of your comb which ever gives you more control so parting with the teeth of the comb I make sure to start on one side where my ear is on the manikin head and you want to part slightly downward to form a u shape you want to make sure you're partin about 3 to 4 inches away from your hair line so if you do decide to wear your hair up into a ponytail you could blend very well with your extensions in your weave so just continue working your way along until you reach the other side of the ear make sure that you part your part as even as possible as a as straight line is you can because when you apply your glue hair extensions you wanted to lay so perfectly and you don't want to have random hairs get caught onto your glue as you are going so now that we started the section where going to grab the rest of the hair and put it up into a ponytail so just use your comb help you comb your hair all the way up because you want to keep any hair and away from your u part section just parted so now this is what your part in the back of your head look like for your u part design so now the next thing to do is to grab your wefted hair extension and you want to measure all along the scalp of your style you will not be applying the extensions on your scalp with glue but at this point you just want to apply the weft on your scalp to help guide you to know how long your extension piece needs to be so from ear to ear you want to make sure that your at least about half an inch away from your hair line because if you do decide to wear your hair up into a ponytail you do not want your weft hair extension to begin directly at your hair line which will show through your style so make sure all of your hair is now flat and you going to take one end of your extension and you going to place in at least half an inch away from your hair line and you going to bring it all the way around to the other side this is only helping you measure how long your piece needs to so once you reach the other side you going to make sure that's the least half inch away from your hair line and then you going to use your thumb to hold that marker to where you need to be then you want to take your scissors and you want to cut off the amount of hair now that you've done that you going to measure once again to make sure that your extension piece is not over extend past your hair line so make sure any hairs are combed out of way so you can see exactly where your extensions will fall so now that you've made sure that any stray hairs and tucked out of the way and you've also measured an amount of extension for your part you want to re-measure for a final time to make sure that your extensions does not exceed past your desired section so starting from ear to ear you want to take your extension and you want to make sure you at least half an inch away from your hair so you will not go directly all the way your hair line want to be half an inch away to make sure that when you do pull your hair up for your ponytail the extension lies so at least half an inch away you going to use that as a marker and then you going to measure back around again along your part so as you can see this is where the other end of the extension stops here in that means you perfectly measured amount of hair that you need so now with this section next we are going to apply our glue and make sure it's sticky to touch before we apply it on to our hair for our style so now that you've measured out your piece of hair extension that you are going to apply we're going to use our hair binding glue to apply the glue onto the weft and then to use our blowdryer to make sure the glue it's sticky to touch so the type of hair bonding glue that you use is your basic standard hair bonding glue because I'm using dark-colored hair extensions you want to use the black hair bonding glue but if you using light color hair extensions like a light brown hair color or even blonde hair colors were white hair color you want to use the white hair bonding so now what you want to do is make sure that you open your cap release any seals so that you can squeeze out a little bit of your hair bonding glue then you are want to take your weft extension and naturally since these extension fold inward I'm going to apply the extension on this side so that way it adheres to the hair best your so now with the hair glue open you are going to start at one end and apply a little bit of glue just to the weft and work your way all the way down to the other side so what I like to do is shake the glue downward to release any air bubbles so that way the glue can come out evenly then you just going to squeeze just a small amount at the very beginning of the extension and you want a form a line all the way down on you weft so just squeeze it a little bit going to work your way all the way down to cover up the weft of your extension piece as you are applying your glue you want to do so in very small increments at a time you don't want to have a lot of glue because of the glue starts to drip down at this point that means you're applying way too much onto your extension just do so a little bit at a time you just want to coat the weft what you don't want to have so much glue that it starts actually drip off the weft so just continue to work in small increments at a time so you could have just enough glue that you need and also so that you don't drip glue onto your hair itself so now at this point you are going to take your blow dryer and you can turn it on the high or medium setting you want to blowdry this glue and check it occasionally because once it's tacky or sticky to your touch then you can apply it onto your hair so now you are just going to use your finger and you can lightly touch the glue its not running or it's not slimy only some spots are and you want to make sure to go over that with your blow dryer so when I touch all along the glue is just a little bit tacky or little bit sticky so you to blowdry it just a little bit you want to go to be about 70% dry and you want to make sure that when you touch it feels sticky the reason why is because when you apply this the weft onto your hair it will adhere best but if you put the glue on to the weft and then apply the extension onto your hair the glue actually start to run down your extension and your hair and this is a problem because you only want the glue designated in a specific area so once again I'm going to blow-dry the hair and then we can actually apply the extension onto the manikin head so now that your glued extension has been prepared we are going to begin applying it on to our hair so remember you want to make sure that when you are applying your extension you’re at least half an inch away from your hair line so if you do decide to put your hair into a ponytail it will effectively cover up your hair extensions also when you are applying your extensions you want to make sure that you do not do so directly on your scalp the reason why is because if you do this you will make it hard for your hair follicles to effectively grow which means will stunt the growth of your hair and it can also lead to a lot of hair damage by applying glue directly onto your scalp and also that's why you want to make sure when you are applying it to your a few centimeters or so a way from directly from the roots of your hair so instead of applying directly on your scalp you want to have a little bit of room to apply it here in this general area so with using my comb this is the effective place you want to apply extension you do not want to apply it on your scalp or directly against the roots of your hair you want to do so just a little bit away from the roots of your hair and that particular space so now we are going to take one end of our hair extension you are going to make sure where at least half an inch away from her hair line and also is going to fall nicely on the other side because we doubled measured our extensions to make sure it did not extend past I hair so just a little bit away from the hair line about half an inch you are going to apply in onto your hair not want to your scalp or right against the roots of your hair but just a little bit away from the roots of your hair you are going to press it firmly and then you're going to do so all the way around so now holding both sides on both and you going to firmly press on to your hair and you are going to do so working your way all the way to the middle as well so now were going to finish drying the extension the rest of the way because we only tried about 60 to 70% just enough so that the glue was sticky to touch so you want to take your blow dryer and you just want to try along the extension for about 30 seconds to a minute to make sure its fully dry so now for your final test of approval to check and make sure that the hair has been dried in a slightly tug on the extension if the extension does not slide off the hair or down the hair that means that it has been dried so now from this point we are going to move on and we're going to continue to apply extensions in a u part fashion as we work our way up on your head or either your manikin and now we are near the top of the manikin head and we have made a lot of progress on over 50 to 70% finished and now I only have a couple more rows to add for the extension so now I am just going to remove the clips and show you that the same technique has been done to apply the glued in hair extensions so that moving the hair down that I have left you don't have much left in this is still the area of top that will be used to actually cover up the rest of the hair extensions so from this point you're going to part a U-shape from one side all the way around to the other side of your head you want your rows to be about 2 to 3 inches apart from one another so that you have a good distance when gluing on your extensions so at this point to make sure everything is neat and part any finishing touches on where you need the areas to be then you the rest of the hair into a ponytail or use your clips to keep it separate in your going to measure out a piece of your hair extension to be glued so now make sure you’re at least half an inch away from your hair line on both sides you are going to measure all the way around and you can measure applying it directly onto the scalp even though you are not going to be gluing on your scalp so now you cut off your piece and you going to re-measure and if it's applied too closely to your hair line when you re-measure you want to just snip off any excess extension that you need so that's perfect and now we are going to take our glue and we are going to apply onto the weft dry to About 70% of the way until it is sticky to touch and then apply about a couple of centimeters away from the roots of your hair so now at this moment we're going to apply the glued onto our section so remember just a little bit of waste hair line in a couple of centimeters away from the roots of your hair you are going to lightly hold with your finger on one end going to bring the extension and lightly press against the hair until you bring yourself all the way around to the other side remember you don't want to pressed firmly against your scalp you just want to make sure that the glue adheres to your hair not your scalp or your skin so now are going to blow-dry the rest of the way to make sure that it is fully dry as you can see here were still away from the hairline but on this side it doesn't come over as far as what we hope for even though we have to double check to make sure was long enough so from this point what you can do is take your extension once again to measure our little piece to go over as far as you want apply little bit of glue dry it just a little bit and then place it in the appropriate section so now for the last extension piece since this is about how much are you part you are going to comb that down and apply a final piece so now that you've applied your very last extension you can release the hair that you will use for you leave out and you can comb it to blend with your look in your partial quick weave hairstyle you want to make sure to part off a designated area you want to begin working on and when doing your hair you have to do so in a U-shaped fashion so that the extensions will lay appropriately and be best for your look also when you are measuring out your extensions you want to do so from part to part while at the same time remaining about half an inch away from your hair line this will enable your style to look completely natural and also help to cover up any extensions if you wanted to wear your hair up in a ponytail so when you apply your glue want your extensions it have to be sticky to touch because when you apply the extensions onto your hair you do not want glue to run down your hair which could damage your hair in the long run also you want to protect your hair follicles and allow for hair growth to happen by not directly placing the glued extensions onto your scalp or directly at the roots of your hair you want to do so about a few centimeters away from the roots of your hair when applying your extension piece so as you work your way up in a U-shaped fashion this will bring you closer to completing your style and before we finish styling off this look in the next step, step number three I will teach you my tips and methods for achieving a flawless partial quick hairstyle


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